When it comes to your business, you need to be able to trust that the numbers are accurate. That's where assurance services come in. At Quadri & Smith LLP, we are experts in providing businesses with accurate and reliable assurance services. We offer a variety of services, including statutory audits, review engagements, notice to reader engagements, compilation engagements, and more. Our team understands the importance of ensuring that your financial information is accurate and up-to-date, and we are dedicated to providing our clients with the highest level of service possible. Read on to learn more about how we can best serve your needs, and contact us today to schedule a consultation!
If you are looking for an assurance engagement, Quadri & Smith LLP can help. We will perform an in-depth analysis of your financial statements and identify any areas of concern. We will then make recommendations for improvement and provide you with a report detailing our findings, and provide you with valuable insight to help you make the right decisions for your organization. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you!
A review engagement is an accounting and assurance service whereby a CPA firm is engaged to provide limited assurance that there are no material modifications that should be made to the financial statements in order for them to be in conformity with Canadian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). Quadri & Smith LLP can provide you, your management, your board of directors, and your stakeholders with assurance that your financial statements are free of material errors and conform to Canadian GAAP.
If you are required to have a statutory audit, Quadri & Smith LLP can help. We will review your financial statements and assess your compliance with applicable laws and regulations. We will then provide you with a report detailing our findings and recommendations. Our experts will work closely with you to ensure that any areas of concern are addressed and that your organization is in compliance with all relevant laws and regulations. Contact us with any questions, and book a consultation today!